March 2017 | The Glam Mom

Auction Fun with TopHatter!

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These items were provided to me at a discount, but all opinions are my own.
Hi there!
I love an auction. I'm ALWAYS auctioning things on Facebook! It helps me clear out things I'm not using and also make a little cash back. 

I also like to buy things from auctions. And the lower the price the better!

So let me tell you about Tophatter.

Tophatter is the world's fastest, most entertaining marketplace, with live online auctions every day in a wide variety of categories.

The fun thing about this site? Each auction only lasts 90 SECONDS!!! So you have to be FAST!!!

And a lot of items have super low starting bids - as low as $1!

Would you believe I got all of the items in this photo for under $14 each???
This adorable turtle bracelet was only $8!  I won the auction for $1, shipping was $7.  I plan to give it to my daughter on her birthday! She will love it! 
This pretty ring - $13. I won the auction at $10 and shipping was $3.
This SmartWatch. $14!!!!!!! I won the auction at $10 and shipping was $4.

I've always wanted a smart watch!!! But I'm cheap, so $14 is a price that is just fine by me!!! I've linked it to my Samsung Galaxy S7, but I was only able to test out making phone calls - which worked just fine! But it says I need a SIM card in order to use the internet or take photos, so I need to visit my provider to see if I can make it work without paying extra fees. I'll keep you posted on how it works!  

There are all sorts of fun things up for fast auction on Tophatter! Jewelry, clothes, makeup - I've even seen those crazy charcoal masks up for auction!!!  
I'm going to keep an eye on this site. It's fun! Because the auctions are so short, there is always something new to see. And the rush of competing for an item - I just love that!

Check it out!  If you buy something, let me know!!! 

Until next time,



Medieval Times Trip and GIVEAWAY!!! (Chicago Castle Only)

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These tickets were provided free of charge, but all opinions are my own. 
Hi there!
If you live in the Chicagoland area, it's unlikely you've never heard of Medieval Times. Who hasn't driven by that castle a billion times on I-90?!  
It seemed like this horse walked on it's hind legs forever! So cool!
Until 2016, I hadn't been to Medieval Times since I was in high school! But my mom decided she wanted to go for her birthday. We went with the whole family and had a great time! So I was excited to be invited back to see another tournament!

This time I went with my friends, Kellie and Teka as kind of a birthday outing for Kellie's birthday.  It was so fun!
We sat right up front to root for the Yellow Knight! We enjoyed our food, which consisted of Dragon's Blood Soup and hot chicken which you of course eat with you hands, just like you would back in the Medieval Times!
Even though our section rooted hard, our Knight did not win the tournament. Blue prevailed. That's ok - we still had a great time! 
So now for the fun part! Medieval Times wants to give one of my readers a 4-pack of tickets to attend an upcoming Dinner and Tournament!!!

It's super easy to enter!!! Just follow these steps - 
a Rafflecopter giveaway That's it! So easy to enter!  

This giveaway will end on March 15, 2017.  Please only enter if you are within driving distance to the Medieval Times Chicagoland Castle.

I'll announce the winner at 9PM CST on 3/15/17.  Good luck!!!

Until next time,



The Glam Mom Style Feature #6 - LuLaRoe Tiffany Parsons

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Hi there!

I'm back with another mama you want to get to know!
You all know I love me some LuLaRoe! While I'm not longer a consultant (sad face), I still shop a ton of groups. I belong to the *GASP* No Rules LuLaRoe BST group and saw a few of Tiffany's styling photos and just HAD to follow her on Instagram!

I really love how she pieces her outfits together. If you're looking for some great color combo and pattern-mixing inspiration, Tiffany is your GIRL! 

Learn about her below:

Tiffany parsons


Hope Mills, NC

Lularoe Retailer / Graphic Designer
Number of Children

Favorite item you are wearing today
My rose floral Randy T

Favorite Handbag Brand
Prada and LeSportsac

Favorite Shoe Brand

Favorite Makeup Brand

Favorite colors to wear (makeup and/or clothing)
Mustard, Teal, Red
Your Signature Style 
Leggings and a Carly Dress 

Must Have Beauty Products for Every Day
Anastasia Brow definer pencil and contour palette and Marc Jacobs Mascara
How long does it take you to get ready each morning?
An hour and a half

Your Personal Beauty/Fashion Philosophy
Do you boo! Embrace the season you are in. 
You guys - I would NEVER have thought to layer a Carly over a Julia.  It's so smart and super adorable! Tiffany's IG is always giving me ideas!!!

So, join Tiffany's shopping group and 
And be sure to follow her on Instagram 
for regular styling photos:

Until next time,



My First Smoothie With Mossum Sea Moss

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Hi there!
I've never had a smoothie before this.  I know some people might think that's weird, but listen - for being a chubby girl, I really don't like a lot of food. And hearing smoothies made with yogurt and kale freak me out! So I've just always avoided them.

When I received this sea moss to try from Mossum Body, I had no idea what to do with it!  I went straight to Pinterest and saw a ton of smoothie recipes.  But I didn't want a smoothie!!!

So I went to Facebook and asked my friends. And guess what they suggested.  You got it - smoothies.  So after a TON of recommendations I decided to just give it a go.

My roadblocks - I don't eat yogurt and I don't like bananas.  But that's ok, because the Mossum Sea Moss has thickening properties that would make up for that.  I tried one version and neither my husband or I liked it much, so I had to try again and switch up the ingredients.

After all of the suggestions I received, this is what I ended up with:

1 cup of sweetened vanilla almond milk
1 cup of fresh strawberries
1 cup of fresh pineapple chunks
1 cup of frozen peach slices
1 teaspoon of agave nectar
2 tablespoons of Mossum Sea Moss

And you know what - I actually LIKED it!!!  I would drink it again.

Besides getting a good serving of fruit (or vegetables if you're braver than I am!) adding the Mossum adds a little bit of protein and other vitamins and minerals such as potassium, magnesium, beta-carotene, calcium and  vitamins A, B and C.

Mossum is a Chicago-based company and I'm all about supporting local business!  Also - the founder Kim Jean is from the Caribbean and I love that since my mommy is Jamaican.  Sea Moss (also knows as Irish Moss) is an ingredient that many in the Caribbean use regularly, so I was happy to try something that my mom used to eat when she was growing up.  

Give it a try!  You can order this brand from

And - Thank you to everyone who gave me recommendations! Vanessa, Wendy, Joelle, Mellenie of Fluffy Ain't For Me, Linda, Charity, Priya, Jen G, Lorna, Jessica G,...I had a lot of input! There were so many more that tried to help me! Thanks everyone for all the input!
Until next time!

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