New Year, New Me? | The Glam Mom

New Year, New Me?

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Hi there!

Long time, no post! Again!

I've been absent here. I've been absent from a lot of things. I've kind of been in hiding. I'm tired. Like, exhausted. I've gained weight and don't really want to be seen. I'm anxious for all sorts of reasons. I feel overworked and under-appreciated. So, I've kind of just removed myself from a lot of things for my own sanity. Or depression? I don't know. But, what better time to try to make a change, right.  "New Year, new me" I guess?

I'm going to try to be more present for people that need me, more social with people I've put off. More kind to myself. And I'm going to try to re-build this little blog I built for myself. I used to work so hard at it!

I'll be honest - I miss being invited to things 🤣🤣🤣 I can't go to anything because kids activities run my life! But, I still want to be invited! And connected! So, thank to those that have stuck it out with me. And hopefully some new people will join along the way.

Here's to a happier 2024!

Oh - my boots are super fun! Shop them here!

Until next time,


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1 comment

  1. Love this! Cannot wait to see more of you! Watch out she's back!!
