Tomorrow's the Curvy Girl Conference!!! | The Glam Mom

Tomorrow's the Curvy Girl Conference!!!

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Hi there!
If you follow any of my social media, you'll have already seen that I'm taking part in the Curvy Girl Conference as part of the Beauty Panel. This is the first time there has been a conference specifically for plus size ladies in the Midwest, and I'm super excited to take part!

This afternoon, Natasha (the conference organizer), threw a little party for those coming to the event at the Eloquii store on Michigan Ave. So, I took the opportunity to not only meet some of the fab ladies that will be taking part in the conference tomorrow, but also to SHOP. Because I needed something to wear to the conference!!!

Eloquii is one of my favorite brands - so many awesome, fashion forward pieces. But, it's also dangerous, because there are so many awesome, fashion forward pieces!!!

I tried on a billion things. I still don't know exactly what I'm going to wear tomorrow, but here are some of the options I came up with:

Which would you choose???  I guess we'll all be surprised when I get my next post up, right??? HaHa!

After I left he party, I Uber'd over to my kids school, which wasn't far away, and drove home with my fam. 

After we picked up #3 from pre-school, we took them miniature golfing for the first time! Today's weather was BANANAS!!! We HAD to take advantage of an 80 degree day in October!

She was having fun, I swear, but when I snapped this I couldn't help but LOL!
By the 8th whole, they were kind of over it, but we still have a lot of family fun. So glad we went!

Be sure to check back for details on which outfit I chose and to hear all about the Curvy Girl Conference!!!

Until next time!


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