Hi there!
The 4 flavors I tried. The Szechuan Peppercorn was my favorite!
I'll be honest - I'm not a big meat eater. I'm kind of carbs all day, err'day. Hence my weight LOL. But I know I need to eat more protein. But meat takes a lot of effort to cook and, let's be serious - I hate cooking. So, I'm happy to try out anything that means I can eat a little healthier without having to put in too much extra effort. In comes Lorissa's Kitchen!
Because I'm not much of a meat-eater, I was actually surprised that a few people I know have already tried Lorissa's Kitchen meat snacks and had nothing but good feedback on it!
My Sister-In-Law, Branwyn, follows a strict Gluten-Free diet due to Celiac Disease and she'd already tried a few of these flavors. Together, we tested the Sweet Chili Pork flavor and it tasted like spicy bacon! Pretty good!
Brawnyn giving my brother a quick snack
while he was on baby duty on the 4th of July
My friend Vanessa saw the first post I made on Facebook about this brand and said she LOVED Lorissa's Kitchen! I was shocked! But I guess I shouldn't be - the ones I tested are actually really good!
Look at these cutie pies testing out the snacks!
Some highlights about this brand, besides providing 10 to11 grams of protein per serving, are:- All animals are raised responsibly and are antibiotic free
- There are no added growth hormones, nitrites, no added MSG and no preservatives
- They are Gluten Free
- They are super portable (in a resealable bag) making it much easier to get protein into your diet every day
I totally recommend trying these out! I know a few people who saw my first post that were ready to try them out immediately! They are available for purchase at Target or on Amazon!
If you've already tried them, I'd love to hear what you think and which flavor was your favorite! Leave me a comment!
Until next time,
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