evian® Facial Spray Video Challenge | The Glam Mom

evian® Facial Spray Video Challenge

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This product was sent to me for review but all opinions are my own.
Hi there!
I was given the chance to test out  evian® Facial Spray and it's so nice! It's a micro-droplet mist of natural spring water that can simply refresh your skin or refresh your makeup after a long day. That's what I use it for.  
After a day out with my family for lunch, ice cream and a hike around a nature trail, I felt like my face needed a nice refresher.  I'd been wearing a full face of makeup all day and we'd been all over the area spending time in the brisk air.  I was feeling a bit dry and wanted an extra glow.  So I pulled out my evian® Facial Spray and gave my face a quick spritz.
Worked wonders! I instantly felt refreshed and got my glow back.  

This product can be used for so many purposes! Apply before and after your daily makeup routine, help wake yourself up after you've been staring at your computer screen all day, soothe your skin after waxing, you can even use it on your baby's bottom! Whatever you want!  

evian® Facial Spray comes in different sizes, including a 3oz travel size.  Check it out at any local drugstore or at http://www.evianspray.com.

Until next time, 

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