Inspiration | The Glam Mom


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Hi there!

I love Timehop and Facebook Memories.  It's always fun to reminisce. Today a photo popped up in my "memories" and it made me realize the real inspiration behind this blog.  It's my mom.

Here's the photo.

My mom said I was about 4 in this photo, so she was 33. Doesn't she look fabulous???  And she ALWAYS looked like this. Her hair was always done. Her makeup was always perfect. Her clothes were always so stylish.  If you know my mom, you know she's still the same. A great model of self care.

When I see photos like this, I know why I  how I am - always wanting to go shopping,  obsessed with hair and makeup. It's how I was raised.  My mom always wanted my brother and I to look our best. And she always tried to look her best.  It's stuck with me. And I like it.

I aspire to be like my mom - not just in appearance,  but in life all around.  She's immigrant from Jamaica. She came here as a teen, worked her butt off, and is very successful.  She's always worked very hard to make sure we all had the best. And even with all of her work, she managed to find time every day to take care of herself and look her very best.  

I want to look like this. And conquer the world at the same time.  My mommy is the epitome of a Glam Mom. She's awesome. 

Until next time,


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